/ lab / tests / tabindex-firefox

Test cases for tabindex bugs in Firefox (inline)

Last updated: October 26, 2008

Full information for these test cases can be found on the main test page.


Test 1

<div><a>link text</a></div>

A normal heading as a link.

Works as expected. The <a> can be tabbed through as normal both forwards and backwards.

Test 2

<div tabindex="0"><a>link text</a></div>


The <div> can be tabbed through in the forward direction, but you cannot move backwards from the <div> element.

The <a> inside the <div> is skipped over when tabbing forwards, but can be accessed when moving backwards.

Test 3

<div><a tabindex="0">link text</a></div>

Works as expected. The <a> can be tabbed through as normal both forwards and backwards.

Test 4

<div tabindex="-1"><a>link text</a></div>


This test almost works as expected. The <a> receives focus when tabbing forwards and backwards. The <div> is not in the tabbing cycle, but it can be focussed using JavaScript or by clicking it with a mouse. When that JavaScript link is clicked, focus shifts to the heading and we can continue to tab to the <a> within the heading. Weirdly, navigating to that same link and activating it with the Enter key to focus the heading results in the <a> being skipped over when tabbing onwards (test 16 shows this doesn't happen when a link is not the first child of the element).

Test 5

<div>heading with <a>a link</a> inside</div>

Works as expected. The <a> can be tabbed through as normal both forwards and backwards.

Test 6

<div tabindex="0">heading with <a>a link</a> inside</div>

Works as expected. The <a> can be tabbed through as normal both forwards and backwards. Hang on a minute! So, adding tabindex="0" does not affect the child link if it is in the middle of the heading text. Comparing this to test 2, dropping the link between text nodes makes everything work. Let's investigate further…

Test 7

<div tabindex="0"><a>a link at the beginning</a> of the heading</div>

Weirdness again.

We're seeing the same problem as in test 2. So, Firefox acts up if the immediate child of the heading is an anchor (or any normally focusable element, in fact).

Test 8

<div tabindex="0">heading with <a>a link at the end</a></div>

Works as expected. Okay, so it's just an immediate focusable child of a parent element with tabindex="0" that is skipped, but otherwise you're fine.

Let's do some further tests for the avoidance of doubt…

Test 9: a different block-level element

<h4 tabindex="0"><a>a link at the beginning</a> of a block-level element</h4>


Test 10: an inline element

<span tabindex="0"><a>a link at the beginning</a> of an inline element</span>


Test 11: a different type of focusable child element (control)

<div><input> at the beginning of an element</div>

Works as expected.

Test 12: a different type of focusable child element

<div tabindex="0"><input> at the beginning of an element</div>


Test 13: two links, one an immediate child of the test element with tabindex="0" applied to it

<div tabindex="0"><a>a link at the beginning is skipped</a><a> but this one receives focus</a></div>


We're seeing the same problem as in test 2 for the first link, but not the second link. When tabbing forwards, the <div> is tabbable, the first link is skipped over and the second link receives focus. When tabbing backwards, we can tab through both links and the heading, but you cannot move backwards from the <div> element.

Test 14: a focusable child within a focusable parent element (control)

<object><a>a link at the beginning</a><a> and one after</a></object>

The links inside the element work as expected, but the object does not seem to have an implied tabindex of "0" as it should according to the HTML specification. However, it is arguable that there is no need to tab to an object element.

Test 15: a focusable child within a focusable parent element

<object tabindex="0"><a>a link at the beginning is skipped</a><a> but this one receives focus</a></object>

Works as expected. Note: tabindex is a valid attribute for the object element.

Test 16

<div tabindex="-1">heading with <a>a link</a> inside</div>

Works as expected.

The <a> receives focus when tabbing forwards and backwards. The <div> is not in the tabbing cycle, but it can be focussed using JavaScript or by clicking it with a mouse. In contrast to test 4, focus shifts to the heading and we can continue to tab to the <a> within the heading whether the link is clicked or activated with the Enter key.

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